lunedì 11 maggio 2009

Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics: The Theory of Angiobiopathy


Microvessels and microcirculation play a paramount role in Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics.

In reality, chaotic-determinist dynamics of the biological systems, present in the three zones, Zone White (health), Grey Zone (pre-pathology) and Black Zone (disease) (1-5), are caused by the analogous oscillations of the single structures of relative tissue microvascular units, i.e., microcirculatory bed, according to Anglo-Saxon Authors (6-10). From the conceptual point of view, problematics regarding micro-circle and the microcirculation, are comprised, as well as analyzed, in the best way, when we are thinking, for analogy, to the street map of a city or country: from the large peripheral street begin wide roads, to only sense, different for number, directed towards the centre. The main roads, in double sense, progressively go shrinking itself till to become small street. In the vascular structure, the wider roads correspond to the Ratschow’s "vasa publica", while smallest, under 100 micron, represents for analogy the "vasa privata" , that participate to the formation of tissue microvascular unit (11). Naturally, blood “return” is realized by micro and the venous macro-vessel and the lymphatic ones.

The Theory of Angiobiopathy

For the first time in clinical way (V., thanks to Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics, has been realized biological-molecular study of parenchimal activity by studying the related micro-vessels and microcirculation in the biological systems, both at rest and under utilization of numerous substances, completing the assessment during dynamic tests, much rich of information. This theory, Angiobiopathy Theory, completes usefully Angiobiotopy theory, according to F. Tischendorf, brilliant student of microvessel anatomy, friend and collaborator of my Master of Microangiology-Microcirculation, S.B. Curri.

According to Angiobiopathy Theory a determined parenchyma is supplied of a specific microvascular system, really complex from the structural point of view, result of an co-organization happened in the course of evolution. In reality, such anatomy of tissue-micro-vascular unit can modify within the same apparatus, due to physiological reasons, correlated constantly with particular situations of the local tissue, as it happens in the skin microcirculation of lower limb. Tischendorf’s definition of Angiobiotopy as reagards the Zone White (Health), emphasises the anatomical aspect, and it has been completed from the Angiobiopathy Theory, that emphasizes parenchimal-microvessel correlations also in the pre-pathological conditions, Grey Zone ("locus" of the primary prevention), and in the several diseases, Black Zone, as I have illustrated in previous papers (1-6). In other words, between parenchyma and relative micro-vascular system is present constantly an anatomical and functional correlation, bedside assessed not only in physiological but also in pre-pathological and pathological conditions, as clinical evidence demonstrates.

To this point, I call for attention to above-mentioned analogy, in order to comprise in details these Medicine advances, really fundamental for Clinical Microangiology. We think next to the existing relationship between the houses of a country or a quarter and the local roads, ways, alleys, but also the water, gas, etc. In fact, as the vessels of every tissue, they supply material-energy-information for the life of the inhabitants and provide to remove the harmful debris, catabolites, events of essential importance for the survival of residents (7-21).

We still continue with the aid of the same analogy in order to explain a fundamental concept in the Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics: from the movement of the several feeding goods, materials, newspapers, books, a.s.o., and flowing drinkable water, as well as black water, sewer, or drainage white water, in a limited city area, can obtain precise information on the culture, understanding broadly speaking, of a community and on the way people face the several existential problems. Therefore, the reader can easily comprise that the way “to be and to work” of the microvessels, included the vase vasorum (12), studied now also with Clinical Microangiology, using a stethoscope (the 6-10) (, gives information, anatomo-functional in origin, about correspondent biological system, aim of doctor’s evaluation.

In health, the micro-vascular oscillations as well as macro-oscillations, are chaotic-determinist, unforeseeable, apparently stocastic, showing an intensity (0,5 - 1,5 cm., conventional measure) and duration of the cycles (oscillating between 9 and 12 sec., i.e., 6 circle /sec.), but regulated, in reality, from a more refined order, than binds them inside of a strange attractor in the space phase (1-11).

From the above microcirculatory remarks, derives that Clinical investigation allows doctor to gather, for the first time clinical, precious information on the biological system function and structure, through the data observed on the structure and activity of the relative microcirculatory system, both at rest and during stress tests. The evaluation of biological activity is based above all on bedside analysing micro-vascular system of several parenchymas under different situations, normal or not, according to Angiobiopaty theory.

In reader’s interest, to comprise the real significance of Angiobiopaty, whose role is fundamental in the Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics, is firstly unavoidable to examine in details the concept of Angiobiotopy , according to Tischendorf.

First of all, it is not surprising the fact that the biological systems adapt, so to speak, the relative tissue-micro-vascular units to the single request of their various regions. For example, the system of the so-called “preferential channels” represents, for still unknown reasons, a structural particularitity of intestine and eye conjunctive, while the formation of meshes of the arterioles and the venules characterises the skeletal musculature. Naturally, a structural disposition of both above-mentioned vessel types can be observed - in less or more intense way - also in other organs and tissue, for instance, to mesentery and pia mater. In mesentery the formation of ring-like anastomoses of the arteries and the veins is limited generally to the branches of greater bore, while the smallest arteries and the arteriole are subdivided dycotomically of new, like branches of a tree, in order to end in the capillaries. Moreover, during their transformation in smaller vessels its diameter constantly becomes conical: for this their form is not still cylindrical, but conical and is fine. According to S.B. Curri, we may admit the hypothesis that these structural differences regarding microvessel modifications are not connected exclusively to the various function of the supplied tissues, but also to their various disposition it spaces, and therefore, to topographical factors. Thus as an example the micro-structure of the human skin constitutes one of the more meaningful aspects of the combination between the "structural principle to net" and the dycotomic subdivision of the capillaries. While in derma deeper regions micro-vessels form the artero-arterioses and veno-venose anastomoses in the subpapillare plex, cutaneous arterial and venous, the capillaries in epidermis from small arteries end in smallest vessels: these are found horizontal under epidermis, circulating itself in a capillary after other that heads vertically towards high; or they go directly towards the epidermis layer bases, circulating in many capillaries to form of small bush. An other example of micro-vessel structure is represented from the capillary beds of the liver and of the spleen, that show how much clearly the anatomical structure of an organ and its specific functions are in a position to modifying distribution model space of the little vessels, radically different from the two above-mentioned fundamental models.

It can be said therefore that the rules of the architectonic plan of the capillary nets are subordinated to the organ-specific architectonic peculiarities. From above shortly reported information, one comprehends that the structure of the capillary beds cannot be identical, always the same, and that differences are present, so that various structural principles can coexist. On the other hand, there are body regions, e.g., eye conjunctive, whose circle ends much irregular and it seems un-forseable: thus, it’s possible one or another type of microcirculatory bed. As states my Master, main goal of the future researches is to determine for every important region of an organ or tissue - from patho-physiological view-point – what is the constructive plan of the capillary bed. The intuition, before, and the demonstration, then, of the correlation tightened between structure and function of every parenchyma and that one of the relative micro-vascular system represents the central aspect of the Angiobiopathy theory, that has opened revolutionary new way to diagnosis, differential-diagnosis, therapeutic monitoring and clinical research.

Krogh was right!

As Krogh had previewed in its Lecture in occasion of the Nobel Prize ceremony in 1920 (1), the study of the micro-vessels shows today fortunately its original, essential and reliable utilization in bedside examination of all biological systems, beside obviously macro- and micro-circulatory system, in physiological and pathological conditions, emphasising a paramount value in diagnosing and researching, thanks to Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics.

In fact, the clinical study of the micro-circle and the microcirculation of every apparatus and tissue, allows to doctor bedside gathering reliable information on structure and functions of all biological system, as well as to recognize and analyze biological and biological-molecular events of the relative parenchyma, under different conditions. Moreover, in every biological systems there is no-local realm, I have demonstrated for the first time, wherein information is simultaneous, beside the well-known local realm. At this point, I have to thank my friend Paolo Manzelli, discoverer of the triadic nature of information (12-24), for his precious advices on Quantum Physics.

Interestingly, the "intense" digital pressure, applied, e.g., upon trigger-points of the neuronal centres for release hormone, provokes the simultaneous associated microcirculatory activation of type I, physiological, in all nervous system, including the above-mentioned centres.

In health, “simultaneously” with the beginning of the stimulation, the stomach does not show any modification of its form and volume, which occurs only after the physiological latency time, as aspecific gastric reflex. In other words, under this experimental condition, is absent the simultaneous non-specific gastric reflex at the beginning of the test.

On the contrary, in presence of whatever cerebral lesion, both structural and functional in nature, like CAEMH (1-7), we simultaneously observe aspecific gastric reflex, whose intensity in cm. parallels th seriousness of underlying disorder (12-24. Therefore, on the base of the no-local realm in Biology, it is possible to bedside recognize, with a stethoscope, in a second, in reliable, elegant, and quick way, brain disorders, and analogously those of different parenchyma, by means of the evaluation of the relative tissue-microvascular units, “simultaneously” activated in the correspondent biological system by such “intense” stimulation of the relative trigger-points (10-25). The data, quickly gathered, direct subsequently the physical examination towards the really suffering biological system or tissue, allowing to utilise it at the best loosing less time.


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Sergio Stagnaro MD

Via Erasmo Piaggio 23/8, CP. 42

16039 Riva Trigoso (Genoa) Europe

Founder of Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics

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since 1996 to 2009

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