From: "JCI Editors"
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 10:32 PM
Subject: Fwd: Fwd: What do you think?
Dear Dr. Stagnaro,
Thank you for your presubmission inquiry. Unfortunately, the Editors did
not feel that submission of your manuscript to the Journal of Clinical
Investigation would be appropriate at this time.
As we are able to only review a fraction of the manuscripts submitted to
the JCI, we must keep in mind how well your manuscript would compete
with the many others we receive. Your proposal was carefully evaluated,
and we determined that it would not ultimately be successful upon formal
review. In making this decision we do not mean to imply a criticism of
the work, we simply question its appropriateness for the JCI.
We thank you for giving us the opportunity to read about your work, and
hope you are soon able to interest an alternate journal in your manuscript.
Ushma S. Neill, Ph.D.
Executive Editor
In following, I would like emphasise briefly the central role of these quantum-biophysical-semeiotic-Constitution-Dependent, Inherited Real Risk of Brain also in aging people disease occurrence,especially if Co Q10 deficiency is present.
In my opinion, bedside quantum-biophysical-semeiotic diagnosis of Co Q10 deficiency syndrome, I have described earlier (1-5), and the topic of above-cited Letter to Editors, could be very helpful in risk stratification to predict functional decline in Older Adults.
In fact, I have demonstrated that doctors can clinically recognize with the aid of a stethoscope subjects involved by Ubidecarenone deficiency, even initial and symptomless, causing damage of tissues due to the increase levels of free radical (1-5).
Moreover, in my 55-long clinical experience, such as diagnosis, made clinically for the first time, proved to be really efficacious and reliable in avoiding dangerous administration of statine to individuals without clinical symptomatology, even involved by ubidecarenone deficiency, notoriously worsened by anti-cholesterolemic drugs.
In addition, physicians are able to recognize since birth whatever Constitution-Dependent Inherited quantum-biophysical-semeiotic Real Risk, including oncological, diabetic, and Alzheimer Disease one (5-8), based on microvascular remodelling, characterized by newborn-pathological, type I, subtype a), oncological, and b) aspecific Endoarteriolar Blocking Devices, which predispose to the related disorders.
Finally, only individuals with inherited cerebral quantum-biophysical-semeiotic Inherited Real Risk (5) may be involved by functional decline, like Alzheimer Disease (8), particularly in presence of Co Q10 deficincy syndrome.
1) Stagnaro-Neri M., Stagnaro S., Carenza di Co Q10 secondaria a terapia ipolipidemmizante diagnosticata con la Percussione Ascoltata. Settimana Italiana di Dietologia, 9-13 Aprile 1991, Merano. Atti, pg. 65. Epat. 37, 17, 1990.
2)Stagnaro-Neri M., Stagnaro S., Acidi grassi W-3, scavengers dei radicali liberi e attivatori del ciclo Q della sintesi del Co Q10. Gazz. Med. It. – Arch. Sc. Med. 151, 341, 1992.
3) Stagnaro-Neri M., Stagnaro S., Auscultatory Percussion Coenzyme Q deficiency Syndrome. VI Int. Symp., Biomedical and clinical aspects of Coenzyme Q. Rome, January 22.24, 1990,Chairmen K. Folkers, G.L. Littarru, T. Yamagani, Abs., pg. 105.
4) Stagnaro-Neri M., Stagnaro S., Sindrome clinica percusso-ascoltatoria da carenza di Co Q10. Medic. Geriatr. XXIV, 239.
5) Stagnaro Sergio. Reale Rischio Semeiotico Biofisico. I Dispositivi Endoarteriolari di Blocco neoformati, patologici, tipo I, sottotipo a) oncologico, e b) aspecifico. Ediz. Travel Factory,, Roma, 2009.
6) Stagnaro S. Bedside diagnosis of osteoporotic constitution, real risk of inheriting ostoporosis, and finally osteoporosis. Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling 21 June 2007.
7) Stagnaro S. New bedside way in reducing mortality in diabetic men and women. Ann. Int. Med. .
8) Stagnaro Sergio. Alzheimer's Disease Byophysical Semeiotics supports the pathophysiology of Koudinov's theory.11 January 2002. Clin. Med. & Health Research